CFC approaches children's ministry with the whole family in mind. We believe parents and grandparents are God's initial plan to unpack the Gospel with children (Deuteronomy 6:5-7).  CFC's overarching aim and vision for children (and youth!) is their maturing as Luke 2:52 describes of Jesus.


Sunday School

CFC hosts a Sunday school class for children age 4 through 5th grade. The regular teacher is Jill Lyons, Pastor Mike's wife. A professional educator, Jill's joy is to teach God's Word with children of all ages!

Children's Church

During worship, and prior to the morning message, children are welcome to exit worship for Children's Church which is led by a variety of caring volunteers.  Children's Church includes a number of engagements such as a Bible lesson, a craft related to a Bible teaching, or time on the church's playground!

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At 6:30 p.m. during the school year, CFC children head to FBC (First Baptist Church across the street) for a one-hour mid-week children's ministry. Throughout the year, CFC and FBC together invest in ministry with children. For example, in the summer of 2022 FBC hosted VBS while CFC's Pastor Mike led the Bible teaching. Together both church's achieve more and reach more while demonstrating to children the power of teaming together for Christ.