What to Expect on

Sunday mornings

When arriving for Worship at 10:00 a.m., enter through the tall bell tower entrance and expect to be greeted. There are no reserved seats, so sit where you please. If you come a few minutes early, you will see people greeting one another and engaging in conversation. Some people will be seated and watching the announcements being projected for all to see. At 10:00 a.m. the organist will chime the hour indicating worship is about to begin. The choir may sing an opening chorus. The worship time will be filled with singing, prayer, and a message from God's Word.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do most folks dress?

Come as you are! Of course, keep in mind this is a time for worship not a backyard pool party.

Is there a nursery?

Yes, every Sunday. The nursery is for children under age 4. A greeter or an usher will be glad to guide you to the nursery. 

Is there a Children's Church during worship?

Yes. Prior to the message, children age 4 through 5th grade are welcome to exit with the other children being led by an adult for Children's Church. Parents are welcome to accompany their children to see where their children will be during Children's Church.

Is there a Security Team?

Yes. All the grounds, inside and out, are under both video and live surveillance to assure the safety of all worshippers, children in the nursery, children attending Children's Church, and vehicles in the parking areas.

What's the message time like?

The messages bear "witness to the Word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1:2.)  The goal is to give everyone the heart-space to allow the Lord both to speak to them and to lead them in how to respond with faithfulness to God's call to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Is there anything else a guest may like to know?

Yes. Available in the pews are "Connection Cards." These response cards inform the pastor of any prayer concerns and allow attendees to respond to ministry opportunities.  These cards are completed during worship and collected in the offering plate at the conclusion of worship.