When Jesus walked the earth, his most powerful invitation were these two words: "Follow me."

Again and again, Jesus invited people from all kinds of backgrounds to believe and follow him, from the non-religious to the over-religious and everyone in between. The events of Jesus' life would go on to change the course of human history forever: his birth, life, suffering, death, and resurrection.

Soon after Jesus' resurrection, people in his day, including his closest friends and family and many others, realized that he had fulfilled ancient prophecies and promises that God would send a Savior, a "Messiah" (John 4:25), to take away the sins of the world and set his people free for everlasting life.

Not long before he died, Jesus instructed his followers to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded" (Matthew 28:19-20). In the face of intense persecution, his followers did exactly that, full of courage and confidence from the Holy Spirit after personally witnessing Jesus risen from the grave. Over two thousand years later, billions upon billions of people from countless different cultures and backgrounds have found life, joy, peace, hope, and salvation by placing their faith and their trust in Jesus of Nazareth, the man they called "Son of God."

The mission continues to this day, and the invitation from Jesus remains the same: "Follow me."

If you are ready to connect with the One who loves you most and best, to turn over the guilt of every mistake and every regret to the One who can forgive you, to experience peace and joy and life that can never be taken away from you, then it all begins by simply saying "yes," not to a religion, but to a relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ.

Pastor Mike would gladly meet with you in person to explore any questions about making this most important decision in your life.


After making a decision to place your faith and trust in Jesus, we encourage you to be baptized. Baptism is one of the most important spiritual milestones in your life because it gives witness to the burial and resurrection of Jesus and to the new life that we have in Christ.  Baptism is not only a sign of one’s profession of faith in Jesus Christ and a mark of difference whereby Christians are distinguished as followers of Jesus Christ, but also a sign of regeneration or the new birth.  Connect with Pastor Mike to set a time to be baptized!

Since baptism is required prior to becoming a member, we encourage you to take a step toward membership only after making a decision to place your faith and trust in Jesus.


Membership is not required in order to participate or serve in any ministry at Claxton First Church; instead, membership is how we commit to partner with integrity and engagement with the CFC family. All Christ-followers who call CFC their spiritual home are invited to pray about formally joining this community. If you are new to CFC, we encourage you to spend a while getting to know this fellowship to see if membership is the next right step for you.

To learn more about Membership with Claxton First Church, click here for more details.

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